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Freshbay Appoints Three New Directors To Board Of Directors

CEA company Freshbay, advances geothermal-powered greenhouse project

Freshbay Inc. has recently appointed three new directors to its board of directors. The company’s decision to bring in Vic Reddy, Rob Smith, and Jeff Sopatyk, who all have extensive agriculture experience, is a strategic move aimed at achieving the company’s long-term goals. Freshbay’s founder and CEO, Vic Reddy, will continue to serve in a leadership and corporate development role. This decision ensures continuity and stability for the company.

Rob Smith, the founder, and CEO of Berrymobile Fruit Distribution will be responsible for sourcing high-quality, ethically grown, soft fruit, tree fruit, and more. His extensive experience in the fruit distribution industry will enable Freshbay to expand its product range and improve the product’s quality. Freshbay is committed to providing its customers with the best products, and Rob Smith’s appointment will help the company achieve this goal.

Vic Reddy, CEO of Freshbay, commented: “Now that we have begun to structure Freshbay with exceptional board appointments corporately, and soon will install new articles for the audit committee to accommodate large-cap investment. In addition, we’re establishing the governance, compliance, reporting, and oversight necessary for success.”


Jeff Sopatyk, the owner and President of Sopatyk Seed Farms, will bring his experience farming 6,000 acres near Saskatoon, SK producing seed peas, lentils, chickpeas, canola, barley, wheat, and hemp to the board. He will be responsible for providing insights and expertise on farming practices, crop management, and other agricultural matters. Jeff Sopatyk’s appointment clearly indicates Freshbay’s commitment to sustainable and ethical farming practices.

The appointment of the Chairman of the Board will be added to the agenda for the next board meeting. This move shows Freshbay is keen on establishing a robust governance structure to support the company’s growth and development. With the addition of the three new directors, the board now comprises five members, providing the necessary oversight, compliance, and reporting to ensure the company’s success.

Image provided by Freshbay

As a dedicated journalist and entrepreneur, I helm iGrow News, a pioneering media platform focused on the evolving landscape of Agriculture Technology. With a deep-seated passion for uncovering the latest developments and trends within the agtech sector, my mission is to deliver insightful, unbiased news and analysis. Through iGrow News, I aim to empower industry professionals, enthusiasts, and the broader public with knowledge and understanding of technological advancements that shape modern agriculture. You can follow me on LinkedIn & Twitter.

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